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News 2012

30 December - Our friend Vladka come to visit with her two dogs breed Prague Ratter. We so enjoy it and our papillons enjoy it as well. :-)

 Vlaďka a krysaříci

9 December - Today our Benjamin mated female Feaba Brilliant Bohemia - owner Hana Drahuska. I'm looking forward to puppies. :-)


1 and 2 December - International Show DUOCACIB Nitra
Judge: Primož Peer (SLO)
Benjamin z Krve Orthosovy - Class Intermediate - Excellent 1, CAC, res. CACIB
Benjamin has fulfilled all requested conditions and he received a title Junior Champion of Slovakia
Judge: Vladimír Javorčík (SK)
Benjamin z Krve Orthosovy - Class Intermediate - Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB

benjamin slovenskyjch benjamin zkrveorthosovy 17month

Kyoto de la Maille Dunes
Kyoto De La Maille Dunes
Benjamin z Krve Orthosovy
Benjamin z Krve Orthosovy
mezitřída - psi - neděle
class intermediate - males to 2,5kg
CACIB kruh - psi - neděle
CACIB ring - males
Semicvetik Sunny Secret
Semicvetik Sunny Secret
třída otevřená - psi - neděle
class open - males to 2,5kg
Janette de Pompadour
Janette de Pompadour
Best puppy
the best puppy ring
Paris de Pompadour
Paris de Pompadour
Best in group 9
ring Best in group IX.
Benjamin z Krve Orthosovy - CACIB, BOB
our Benjamin - CACIB a BOB


9 November - Crazy went to his new family in Ostrava
Recently he will be called Charlie and hopefully we'll see at some show.

crazy 2

6 November - Today our beloved Collette died after a surgery of umbilical hernia. :'(

collette 2butterfly1

5 November - Our female Malinois Brista now live at home after an injury on her back. She is dressed in striped pajamas through theinjury. This is beneficial socialization and a great source of entertainment for our puppies. :-)

brista a stenata 1 brista a stenata 2 brista a stenata 3

4 November - International Show Double CACIB Praha
Judge: Mgr. Božena Ovesná
Benjamin z Krve Orthosovy - Class Intermediate - Excellent 1, CAC. res. CACIB

3 November - Coffee has gone to her new family to Prague
I think, Terezka will be an excellent owner and a loving friend for Coffee.

terka coffee

2 November - Caroline went to her new family to Brno
She will also have a friend - 8 years old papillon male. I think she will be great.

caroline doma 2

28 October - Club Show of Exotic klubu - Středokluky
Judge: Monika Blaha (A)
Benjamin z Krve Orthosovy - Class Intermediate - Excellent 1, CAC
Juniorhandling: My daughter Madlen and Daschenka de Pompadour :-)

majda dynamica
Madlen and Dynamica Chrudimský motýlek (owner Iva Hájková)

14 October - International Show České Budějovice
Judge: Hana Ahrens (A)
Benjamin z Krve Orthosovy - Class Intermediate - Excellent 1, CAC

benjamin zkrveorthosovy 16month 2 benjamin zkrveorthosovy 16month 1

13 October - Kasl's family and Bartholomew came to visit.
Bert grew up in the beautiful dog and this visit was great :-)

bertik bertik 2 kaslovi mamba a synove b
Benjamin, Mamba a Bartoloměj

23 September - Club Show KCHMPP - Mladá Boleslav
Judge: Petr Řehánek (CZ)
Benjamin z Krve Orthosovy - Class Intermediate - Excellent 3
Daschenka de Pompadour -
Class Open - Excellent 3
My daughter Betty (9) handled Daschenka excellent, as well as every adult handler.

14 September - Puppies are very strong and viable, grow beautifully and Mamba is a great mother :-))
We have already chosen names for them:
females Collette, Coffee, Caroline and male Crazy

mambaanee litterc 02 mambaanee litterc 03 mambaanee litterc 01

7 September - We have new puppies after CH Mamba Anée and CH Eliot Eyron Cembra
Today morning there were born 3 females and 1 male. :-))

collette crazy 1day

26 August - International show Mladá Boleslav
Judge: Olga Dolejšová (CZ)
Praline de Pompadour - class winner - Excellent 2, res. CAC

23 August - Agnes z Krve Orthosovy - examination of PRA - MVDr. Jiří Beránek - 0
Benjamin z Krve Orthosovy - examination of PRA - MVDr. Jiří Beránek - 0

18 and 19 August - International show DUODANUBE Bratislava
Saturday 18th
Judge: Miroslav Guniš (SK)
Benjamin z Krve Orthosovy - youth class - Excellent 1, CAJC
Agnes z Krve Orthosovy - open class - Excellent 2, res. CAC
Sunday 19th
Judge: Zdeňka Jílková (CZ)
Benjamin z Krve Orthosovy - youth class - Excellent 2
Agnes z Krve Orthosovy - open class - Excellent 1, CAC

Benjamin z Krve Orthosovy
Ben on the table
Ben performed very well
Zulejka de Pompadour
Great competition in Class youth
--> Yack Breezer Mária Sirrah
Bronce spod Melich. skaly
Agnes z Krve Orthosovy
Paris de Pompadour -->
won CACIB on Sunday
Class open - females
Tópasar Rebecca - 2x CAJC and
Junior champion of Slovakia
great joy :-))


CACIB ring females

Cognac von den Kolibris


16 August - Benjamin z Krve Orthosovy - examination of kneecap - MVDr. Radek Musil - PL 0/0

11 August - Club show chihuahuas and papillons - Malý Lapáš near Nitra (Slovakia)
Judge: Nikic Miodrag (SRB)
Benjamin z Krve Orthosovy - youth class - Excellent 1, CAJC, Junior Winner 2012
Agnes z Krve Orthosovy - open class - Excellent1, CAC
At the show was presented 40 papillons.
BOB was awarded the nice dog Arny Playful Butterfly (after Bastien Hroznovy kvet and Daisy z Peninskych luk) - owner Monika Machackova.
The exhibition was organized in the countryside Ranch Novy Dvor and there was very pleasant and relaxed atmosphere. Mr. Miodrag was very attentive, he saw everything and very well judged.

with friends
breeding kennel de Pompadour
Benjamin z Krve Orthosovy
Katarina and Annuschka
Benjamin performed very well
Excellent 1, CAJC, Young winner
exhibit well-being
Agnes z Krve Orthosovy
Bronco spod Melichovej skaly
Excellent 1, CAC (champion cl.)
Expana´s Unspiek Baron Bodissey
Excellent 1, CAC (open cl.)

dsc00219 dsc00298
Excellent 1, CAC
Arny Playful Butterfly
Excellent 1, CAC, Male 2012, BOB
Young Winner 2012
Young Winner 2012

before leaving



 28 July - JCH Agnes z Krve Orthosovy and Benjamin z Krve Orthosovy were successfully stud in Pardubice
JCH Agnes z Krve Orthosovy - code for breeding: 000200000000070000
Benjamin z Krve Orthosovy - code for breeding: 00000000000000000    - Any defect was not identified.   :-))
From 21 September Benjamin can be used in breeding!

15 July - Czech National Show Mladá Boleslav
Judge: Konderla Zofija, PL
Bastien z Krve Orthosovy - class youth - Excellent 2        (owner Alice Bucková)
bastien 2years

 13 July - Bastien z Krve Orthosovy - MVDr. Radek Musil - PL 0/0        (owner Alice Bucková)

8 July - We expect puppies !!
After our Mamba (CH Mamba Anée) and CH Eliot Eyro Cembra. He is wonderful young dog with amazing character and temperament. Recently he gained title Champion of Slovakia (owner Zuzana Nouzáková, breeding kennel "de Pompadour")
If I was on the visit to Zuzana, we set off on a trip to Piestany.

piestany2 piestany1 piestany3

1 July - National Show Klatovy
Judge: Naďa Klírová (CZ)
Benjamin z Krve Orthosovy - class youth - Excellent 1, CAJC, BOJ, BOB
Agnes z Krve Orthosovy - class open - Excellent 1, CAC, National Winner
Benjamin z Krve Orthosovy
has fulfilled all requested conditions for title Junior Champion of Czech Republic a Club Junior Champion

 Our Agnes should born as a squirrel... :-))

dsc 6703  dsc 6704 dsc 6705

17 June - Special show KCHMPP Mladá Boleslav
Judge: Ingrid Ehold (A)
Benjamin z Krve Orthosovy - class youth - Excellent 1, CAJC, BOJ, BIS Junior II.:-)))
Bastien z Krve Orthosovy - class youth - Excellent 2        (owner Alice Bucková)
Agnes z Krve Orthosovy - class open - Excellent 1, CAC
Praline de Pompadour - class winner - Excellent 4
Both male (just 12 month old) performed very well and this day Benjamin had better luck.
I have an excellent new handler - my daughter Majda. I'm happy.

dsc 6664
Alice and Bastien
bastien 2years 2
Bastien, Excellent 2
dsc 6671
Majda and Benjamin
dsc 6692
Excellent 1, CAC,
Best of Junior
dsc 6686
dsc 6741
Agnes, V1, CAC
dsc 6759
Eva Veselková and
Omega z Hradu Pajreku

dsc 6808
great competition
in the winner class
Lucylla z Dzikich Plaz V1, CAC

dsc 6799
Praline, Excellent 4
dsc 6902
Best of Show Junior II.
dsc 6915 benjamin zkrveorthosovy 1year

 More pictures

 16 June - Club show KCHMPP Mladá Boleslav
Judge: Željka Fon Zidar (SLO)
Benjamin z Krve Orthosovy - class youth - Excellent 1, CAJC, BOJ, BOB
Agnes z Krve Orthosovy - class open - Excellent 1, CAC
Praline de Pompadour - class winner - Excellent 2, res. CAC
I was great success of our just 12 month old male Benjamin !!!


 27 May - International Exibition Nord Bohemia Canis Litoměřic
Judge: Dr. M. Uroševič
Agnes z Krve Orthosovy - class open - Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB
Benjamin z Krve Orthosovy - class youth - Excellent 2
Bastien z Krve Orthosovy - class youth - Excellent 1, CAC        (owner Alice Bucková)
I'm so happy that our Agnes was awarded CACIB. She was for the first time in class Open.
Both boys performed very well and at the end they competed for victory in the class among themselves.
Alice: thank you and congratulations!!!

agnes cacib

6 May - International Exibition Praha Letňany
Judge: Mgr. Božena Ovesná
Bastien z Krve Orthosovy - class youth - Excellent
Bastien made me happy - he was excellent in the great competition on his first show. His owner Alice Buck showed him great - you can see that she has much experience with dogs.

Bastien a Benjamin - MVP 2012

 30 April - Praline lost her puppies :-(( , next litter will be after Mamba and Eyron

 dracice anett

Vixen Anette - why do you play with small, when you can play with the big :-)

6 April - Today Kasl's family and Bartoloměj came to visit. Bertie has a wonderful home and he grows very nice and obedient dog and also very promising football player. :-) I hope I succeed to make a record at the next meeting.

pristizen pri cinu1

Caught in the action - How about our Benjamin imagines a pre-wash :-)

23 March - Today the new webside of my breeding kennel 'z Krve Orthosovy' was switched on

22 March - We expect puppies from our CH Praline de Pompadour and CH Caspian's Goldfever. Goldy is the proven beeding male, after which the are born beautiful puppies with perfect coat. Puppies are borning in about mid-May :-)

2 March - Bartoloměj went today to a new home to Pilsen to Kasl's family. I am sure that ten-year Katie will be the great owner and the friend of him and Bertie will have a beautiful life in Kasl's family.

bartolomej 9m 01

4 and 5 February - DuoCACIB Brno 2012
Saturday - Judge:  Ing. Alena Košťálová
Agnes z Krve Orthosovy
- Class Intermediate - Excellent 1
Benjamin z Krve Orthosovy - Class Junior - Very hopfull 1
Sunday - Judge: Karin Bernardis (A)
Agnes z Krve Orthosovy
- Class Intermediate - Excellent 1, CAC
Benjamin z Krve Orthosovy - Class Junior - Very hopfull 1
I am very pleased how nicely Benjamin performed at his first show.

24 January - Veterinary hospital Český Brod - MVDr. Radek Musil
Praline de Pompadour - PL: 0/0
Agnes z Krve Orthosovy - PL: 0/0
Daschenka de Pompadour - PL: 1/1

16 January - I have launched the new part of our webside: 'Guestbook'

10 January - I got new photos of Anette z Krve Orthosovy from Pyšely: Anette is still the same great dog!! - she loves sliding on the chute and high hurdles and she tries to dominate all the big dogs.

anette 15m 01anette 15m 02anette 15m 03anette 15m 04anette 15m 05anette 15m 06anette 15m 07anette 15m 08

© Iveta Hanušová

9 January - New video: As our papillons are sliding on the chute... :-))

PF 2012