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News 2011

News 2011

30 December  - Bastien z Krve Orthosovy grows into beauty in her new home :-))

© Alice Bucková

28 December - We got for this titlle:
Agnes z Krve Orthosovy
- Junior Champion of Czech Republic :-))

24 October  - Our Bastien z Krve Orthosovy left us and since then he has had a new family. Her owner is Miss. Alice Bucková living in Přistupim near Český Brod. Miss Alice is into sport cynology and she owns two Belgian shepherd malinoises (beeding kennel AGITORE). I wish him wonderful life.

18 August  - Today Mrs. Věra Jeřábková from Hvězdonice took our Babetta. I wish them lots of love and joy in cohabitation.

29 Jully - Puppies grow into beauty :-)

17 July - National Show Mladá Boleslav - judge Ing. Leoš Jančík
Praline de Pompadour
- class champion over 2,5 kg - Excellent 1, CAC

21 June - We have new pupies after our female CH Mamba Anée and multiple champion from Sweden  CH Caspian's Goldfever. :-))

5 June  - National Show Klatovy - judge Claudia Hollweg, Germany
Agnes z Krve Orthosovy
- class youth to 2,5 kg - Excellent 1, CAJC, BOJ (Best of junior)
Daschenka de Pompadour
- class  intermediate to 2,5 kg - Excellent 1
Praline de Pompadour
- class open over 2,5 kg - Excellent 1, CAC, National Winner
Agnes z Krve Orthosovy has fulfilled all requested conditions for title Junior Champion of Czech Republic. :-)

24 May - We got for this titlles:
Mamba Anée - Grandchampion of Czech Republic
Praline de Pompadour - Champion of Czech Republic
Daschenka de Pompadour - Junior Champion of Czech Republic
It makes me very happy :-))


22 May - International Show Litoměřice - judge Ing. Alena Košťálová ,CZE
Agnes z Krve Orthosovy - Excellent1, CAJC
Daschenka de Pompadour - Excellent1, CAC
Praline de Pompadour - Excellent2

21 May - National Show Litoměřice - judge Iuza Beradze, GR
Agnes z Krve Orthosovy - Excellent2
Daschenka de Pompadour - Excellent1, CAC, National Winer
CH Mamba Anée - Excellent1, CAC
Praline de Pompadour - Excellent1, CAC
CH Mamba Anée has fulfilled all requested conditions for title Grandchampion of Czech Republic. :-)

15 May  - International Show Praha - judge Jerzy Olszewski, Poland
Artuš z Krve Orthosovy - class youth to 2,5 kg - Excellent
Agnes z Krve Orthosovy - class youth to 2,5 kg - Excellent
Daschenka de Pompadour - class  intermediate to 2,5 kg - Excellent 1, CAC
CH Mamba Anée - class champion to 2,5 kg - Excellent 1, CAC
Praline de Pompadour - class open over 2,5 kg - Excellent 1, CAC, res. CACIB
Praline de Pomapadour has fulfilled all requested conditions for title Champion of Czech Republic. :-)

7 May - Special Show KCHMPP Mladá Boleslav - Judge Mgr. Zuzana Brotánková
Artus z Krve Orthosovy - Excellent 2
Agnes z Krve Orthosovy - Excellent 1, CAJC
Mamba Anée - Excellent 1, CAC

29 April - Zuzka Nouzáková (papillon de Pompadour) sent me a lot of nice photos which were made during our visit:

23 April - International Show České Budějovice 2011 - judge: Božena Ovesná
I am very happy because we have had good success:
Praline de Pomapadour - Excellent 1, CAC, res. CACIB
Daschenka de Pompadour - Excellent 1, CAJC
Daschenka has fulfilled all requested conditions for title Junior Champion of Czech Republic

16 March - New pictures of International Show DUOCACIB Brno 2011

15 March - Spring is finally here and we went for a great trip to the forest. New photos are in the gallery.

23 February - MAMBA ANÉE got for the titlle Champion of Czech Republic.

5 and 6 February - International Show DUOCACIB Brno 2011

I am very happy because we have had great success on Saturday:
judge: Ing. Leoš Jančík
Mamba Anée - Excellent 1, CAC
Praline de Pompadour - Excellent 1, CAC, res. CACIB
Daschenka de Pompadour - Excellent 1, CAJC, Junior BOB
Mamba has fulfilled all requested conditions for title Champion of Czech Republic

And on Sunday:
judge: RNDr. Jaroslava Ovesná CSc.
Mamba Anée - Excellent 2, res. CAC
Praline de Pompadour - Excellent 2, res. CAC
Daschenka de Pompadour - Excellent 1, CAJC

16 January - Today we were visiting Bodnár's family. We had a very nice afternoon. Artuš z Krve Orthosovy has a beautiful home, very nice family and canine friend Dasty. His owner Lucy very loves him. Artuš grows into beauty. We agreed that he will perform the show in the spring.:-)

PF 2011