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Litter C


September 2012

On 7.9.2012 our Mamba gave birth during one hour 4 beautiful puppies - 3 females and male: COLLETTE,  COFFEE, CAROLINE a CRAZY z KRVE ORTHOSOVY. Childbirth was ok and Mamba is perfect mother.

  Sex Color 1.day 1.week 2.week 3.tweek PL PRA tooth  more information
COLLETTE female tricolor 134 234  361  511     6/6 dead in 10 weeks - diaphragmatic hernia
COFFEE female white-black 138 223  332  468     6/6  
CAROLINE female white-black 126 210  320  458     6/6  
CRAZY male white-black 126 200  318  487     6/6  


CH Eliot Eyron Cembra
very promissing young male, son of C.I.B. Jacka Sparrow Maria Sirrah,
Slovak Champion, BOB, CACIB, 3x res. CACIB, 6x CAC



Mamba AnéeCzech Champion, Czech Grand Champion, 2x BOB, CACIB, Club Winner, National Winner,, 4x CAC, 2x res. CAC






CH Eliot Eyron Cembra
ICH Jack Sparrow Maria Sirrah Queen Bless JP Tri Something Ringlands Disco Dan
Queen Bless PJ Dream Come True
Golden Leafs Fudge Golden Leafs Vision
Golden Leafs Toffee
Hamína Golyski Raj Zkarabi´s Egoiste Silenzio´s Cliff Rickard
Zkarabi´s Tallulah
Paloma Gwiazdki z Bialego Domu Gold Wings Razzmatazz
Gold Wings Quite Nice
CH Mamba Anée MambaAnee ICH Chakmani´s Take the Lead Lamonia´s Dr Doolittle Lamonias Kosmos Kid
Silenzio´s Miranda
Chakmani´s Take I Easy Chipmans Nasty Boy
Mango´s Tanita
Cheynna Anée Yukatan Caprina Dowina Filou Petit Pierrot
Lara Croft Caprina Dowina
Debora Anée Axi Mery
Gabie Mahikan