224.12.2023 - William Walker z Krve Orthosovy:
I got a Christmas card. Thank you. I'm happy Willi is growing into the beauty.
William Walker z Krve Orthosovy
20.12.2023 - Athos z Krve Orthosovy (Owner Mrs. Špetlivá)
I received photo of Atik. He is son of Dorothy, sire is Fantasy Angel Cler-De-Lyss. He's the first phalene I've had in my entire breeding career. It's unexpected, but the boy is great!
Athos z Krve Orthosovy
9.12.2023 - TRIOCACIB
Judge: Sanja Momčilovič Bognič
Xavier z Krve Orthosovy: Ex.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS, Crufts qualification
Handling: Melca Rulcova
King Killian z Krve Orthosovy
19.11.2023 - Eva and King Killien z Krve Orthosovy:
ZKO Libeň - Nehylčův memoriál - Killian in category ZZO 1 took the 3rd place with 94 points. Congrats!
King Killian z Krve Orthosovy
17.11.2023 - Eva and King Killien z Krve Orhtosovy:
Eva: "Today's very successful traditional competition in ZKO Jílové u Prahy - "O Jílovský talíř", where our male King Killian Z Krve Orthosovy placed 1st in the category ZZO 1, where he also takes away a plate for a very nice speech." Congratulations!
King Killian z Krve Orthosovy
29.10.2023 - King Killian z Krve Orthosovy and his owner Eva are successfully starting their career in competition. I'm proud of them. Congratulations! I quote:
Magdalena N.: "Yesterday Egoňátko and I participated in very nice races in ZKO Vlašim! We competed in the pairs competition according to ZVV1, me and Egon defense and my colleague Kilian and his handler Eva K. obedience, and we won the second place. It was a very nice day and a beautifully organized competition."
King Killian z Krve Orthosovy
King Killian z Krve Orthosovy
25.4.2023 – In March we mated Noemi Nadine z Krve Orthosovy with a beautiful dog György Porubský květ, but unfortunately we found out that she did not get pregnant. We will have to wait some more for puppies...
8.3.2023 – Amálka (Uma Michelle) found the beautiful new home in Vinarice
14.2.2023 – At the age of almost two years Amálka (Uma Michelle z Krev Orthosovy) came back to our home. Her owners, due to a complicated home situation, stopped taking care of her and quite reasonably decided to return her. This is the first time that the owners of a puppy raised by me decided that they could no longer care for her. And I'm so glad she came back to us because I know what's wrong with her. Thank you for this very mature decision.